Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I've been busy.

I have been extremely busy in the last 2 month but, I was able to produce this beauty. It was commissioned by Bob Kim of Seattle and he wanted the coolest paint job ever. That's what I tried to achieve and this is the end result. It features:

- Chrome base with candy colors

- Matte/Shiny finish on parts of the helmet

- The flags of 15 different countries painted on the back.

- Bob's name incorporated in the Seattle's Seahawks logo.

One hell-of-a-job that took me too many hours to write here. And now...let's do the next ones.


Unknown said...

Patrice Thank you so much for this awsome helmet. You are #1 in the World. Hope Mr. Kubica would like too.

Ng said...

AWESOME.....plenty of very fine detailing.